The deployment of the accident prediction and analytics system in the Moscow Region

The deployment of the accident prediction and analytics system in the Moscow Region

Due to the use of the system, the Moscow Region has emerged as a leader in Russia in reducing social risk and the traffic accident rates

Moscow region

Since 2020, the Moscow Region has been employing an advanced accident forecasting and analytics system for assessing traffic incidents and identifying the most effective tools for improving traffic safety. This system is an automated workstation designed for use by various agencies, including Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure, Traffic Safety Center, Head Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Unified Federal Center for Automatic Detection of Traffic Violations, municipal administrations, emergency commissioners and other authorized organizations.

The system aggregates data on traffic accidents, accident clusters, and traffic safety initiatives from multiple federal and regional sources. Users can monitor road accident rates in real-time, swiftly choose, and implement the most effective response tools.

By utilizing the system, the Moscow Region has established itself as a leader in Russia for the rapid reduction of social risk and traffic-related accidents. From 2020 to 2021, the number of traffic incidents and fatalities in the region’s accident clusters decreased by over 70%.