Traffic Safety Awareness Campaign

Traffic Safety Awareness Campaign

The Urbantech Group is executing an extensive road safety project in the Moscow Region. This encompasses a systemic approach to influencing public opinion, including organizing informational campaigns in the media, orchestrating advocacy projects to enhance road safety awareness, and briefing drivers on traffic regulations enforcement on the region's roads.
65% of residents in the Moscow Region
support the use of traffic enforcement cameras to ensure road safety and reduce the number of accidents, according to a study by Romir research holding in 2021
>15 social campaigns annually
Promoting road traffic safety is a consistent priority for the Urbantech Group. Annually, in partnership with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Moscow Region Ministry of Transport, we conduct social campaigns and undertake projects aimed at improving traffic safety. A major area of focus is the prevention of child road traffic injuries and enhancing pedestrian safety through the promotion of reflective gear, installing lighting in poorly-lit pedestrian areas, and other initiatives.
For inquiries regarding collaboration on campaigns, please reach out to us via email
An essential aspect of traffic safety work is notifying drivers about the placement of traffic enforcement cameras. This includes the installation of road signs marked 6.22 ("Traffic enforcement cameras") and erecting billboards that alert drivers to the presence of these systems on highways. This initiative aims to instill discipline among drivers and decrease the incidence of traffic violations in areas that are prone to accidents.
>2000 publications annually
A significant area of activity for the Urbantech Group is the execution of regular informational and educational initiatives across various media platforms, social networks, and offline events. They are designed to improve the public image of photo and video enforcement systems by publishing statistics on their positive effect on traffic safety, hosting open house events for journalists at the regional traffic enforcement control center, and delivering lectures on the subject in driving schools.
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