Accident prediction and analytics system

Accident prediction and analytics system

Integrated information environment for traffic accident data management, road hazard analysis, and accident cluster forecasting

The smart platform developed by the Urbantech Group enables the examination of accident patterns and the identification of the best strategies to improve traffic safety. This system functions as a workstation for users operating beyond the closed networks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as for those seeking to enhance their workflow within the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate’s Automated Information System.

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The platform aggregates data on traffic accidents, accident clusters, and traffic safety initiatives from multiple federal and regional sources The data is automatically verified and combined into a centralized database. Users can monitor road accident rates in real-time, swiftly choose, and implement the most effective response tools. The solution streamlines the action plan approval process and avoids inefficient ways of interaction, thanks to a specialized workstation that coordinates the deployment of mobile traffic enforcement camera units. The platform provides access to over 30 types of analytical reports that enable tackling even the most specific challenges.

By utilizing the system, the Moscow Region has established itself as a leader in Russia for the rapid reduction of social risk and traffic-related accidents. Between 2020 and 2021, the incidence of traffic accidents and related fatalities in high-frequency accident areas was reduced by over 70% after the implementation of the system in the region.