Urbantech Group installs new traffic enforcement cameras in the Leningrad Region

Urbantech Group installs new traffic enforcement cameras in the Leningrad Region


Urbantech Group, under a state contract with the Central Road Traffic Safety Department of the Leningrad Region, installed 37 new traffic enforcement cameras. Among these, 20 are Azimut 4 units produced by Urbantech Group itself.

New traffic control devices have been put in place to lower accident rates caused by drivers not following traffic rules. They also make sure penalties for these offenses are unavoidable and increase safety on regional and municipal roads in the Leningrad Region, including intersections.

Azimut 4 automatic traffic control systems rank among the top three traffic enforcement systems. They are used in 42 Russian regions and the CIS countries, and have already proven effective in reducing accident rates. They help to improve traffic safety and reduce transportation and social risks. Azimut 4 cameras can identify 51 types of traffic violations, including common ones like driving on the shoulder, crossing into the oncoming lane and crossing a solid white line, as well as more complex ones. These complex violations, which include not wearing seatbelts and using a phone while driving, are detected through neural network data processing. The unit can recognize more than 12 types of traffic violations simultaneously.

In the Leningrad Region, Azimut 4 units can detect signs of such traffic violations as exceeding speed limits, crossing the stop line, running a red light, as well as not using seat belts correctly.

“New cameras were installed on sections of regional and municipal roads. The locations were determined by the regional State Traffic Safety Inspectorate based on road accident data. Traffic enforcement camera units are a practical and efficient measure in reducing the accident rate on roads. The growth in their numbers is aimed at altering driver behavior on the roads of the Leningrad Region and enhancing their driving habits,” commented Yuri Efremov, Acting Head of the State Public Institution Central Road Traffic Safety Department of the Leningrad Region.

Source: Urbantech Group press service


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