Taxi Control service identified 12,000 violations of taxi livery rules in 2023

Taxi Control service identified 12,000 violations of taxi livery rules in 2023


In the Moscow Region in 2023, Taxi Control cameras helped issue about 12,000 warnings for violating taxi livery rules.

“The neural network automatically processes about 2.5 million units of vehicle traffic and identifies taxi vehicles in the flow, checking them for compliance with the regional standard — white body color, a yellow reflective stripe on the sides, a gray stripe along the bottom perimeter of the car, a checkerboard belt, and a roof-mounted light beacon. If violations are detected, the taxi company is issued a warning to eliminate the violations,” said Alexei Gerzhik, Deputy Chairman of the Government and Minister of Transport of the Moscow Region.

Over 2,000 traffic control cameras have been installed in the Moscow Region. The automated Taxi Control system, developed by Urbantech Group, enables identification of violations of the regional standard among taxi carriers without the assistance of traffic police inspectors. The system was launched in October 2021. In addition to checking for compliance with the regional standard, the system also records any potential damage to the taxi’s livery and attributes.

As of today, the Moscow Region’s taxi registry includes more than 100,000 vehicles and over 37,000 carriers. More than 36,000 are individual entrepreneurs and 880 are legal entities, with 26 drivers working as “self-employed.”


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