The cableway across the Oka River

The cableway across the Oka River

The new, fast, comfortable, and eco-friendly mode of transportation connecting the banks of Nizhny Novgorod

The Oka River cableway is a new, fast, comfortable, and eco-friendly way to travel between the left and right banks of Nizhny Novgorod. The cableway route will stretch from Zarechny Boulevard to Switzerland Park and will include three stations: Zarechnaya, Tikhaya Gavan, and Prospekt Gagarina. With a length of 3,340 meters, the cable car line is an investment valued at 4.9 billion rubles.

Thу new cableway system will allow for saving over 30 minutes of travel time daily. With a capacity of about 10,000 passengers per day, it will significantly reduce the daily load on the overburdened transport arteries and public transport.

The Oka River cableway stands as a new driver of territorial development in Nizhny Novgorod. Around 300,000 square meters of new housing will be constructed in the influence zone of the cable car. Daily passenger traffic within the cableway’s influence zone is expected to rise from 27,700 to 40,000. Moreover, the cableway is set to trigger the development of a new recreational area, attracting over 1.3 million tourists each year.

The new cableway in Nizhny Novgorod will integrate the best international practices and technologies. The project is executed through a public-private partnership, in accordance with a concession agreement with the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.