All-Russian Traffic Safety Index

All-Russian Traffic Safety Index

This is an integrated metric that offers an objective, comprehensive evaluation of safety levels on Russian roads.

The All-Russian Traffic Safety Index – is an integrated comprehensive measure of safety on Russian roads.

The index is derived using mathematical models that review accident analysis data, encompassing social and transport risks, as well as the severity of road traffic accidents. Objective data used for this calculation is sourced from such entities as Rosstat, the Research Institute of Traffic Safety, and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate website.

The index is derived using mathematical models that review accident analysis data, encompassing social and transport risks, as well as the severity of road traffic accidents. Objective data used for this calculation is sourced from such entities as Rosstat, the Research Institute of Traffic Safety, and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate website.

The Index facilitates the discovery of trends and contributing factors that potentially affect the frequency and severity of traffic accidents. Additionally, for each region, a Traffic Regulations Profile has been created, consisting of a set of parameters that most comprehensively describe the accident landscape specific to that region. This data will help identify areas for improvement to prevent accidents and enhance road traffic safety in every region of Russia.

The project was developed by the Urbantech Group in partnership with the National Research University—Higher School of Economics (HSE).

HSE University is one of the premier universities in Russia, engaged in educational and scientific activities, project implementation, expert analysis, and socio-cultural initiatives, all adhering to international standards of academic research and organizational practices.